Realtors, this is your LinkedIn discussion group to vent. You can start a conversation with other realtors and business pros from all over the globe. Ask vendors that supply realtors with services for help and advice. #Realtors who want answers to business questions from the best real estate agents can post and our members will help you out. Are you having a problem or difficulty with growing your business. We’ve got the tips for finding new clients! Our member will be happy to help you out when your clients have a tough problem? Just start a conversation and see how other realtors, just like you, would handle the same situation. Join us and tell us what you need help with or add your two cents to a conversation…
Yes, you are invited to join us at… REALTOR BUSINESS AND MARKETING STRATEGY We are a brand new LinkedIn Professional Group set up for real estate industry discussion. We are helping Realtors be better Agents. #business #professionals. We would love to hear your suggestions for future conversations and topics that #Realty #Agents today need help with. JOIN US on LinkedIn!
Check out the Realtor Business Digital School Library full of guidance books for real estate agents!